ABCs of Data Governance

Presented By:
Antoinette Cashwell-Robinson – Director, Metric Alignment, Lincoln Financial Group
Lynn Mulligan – AVP, Data Governance & Strategy, Lincoln Financial Group
Robyn Black – Consultant, Metric Alignment, Lincoln Financial Group

The building blocks of creating and growing a Data Governance team is as easy as A,B,C … or is it? Data Governance is filled with a myriad of terminology, definitions, and challenges. In this presentation, we will break down how Lincoln Financial Group has built and grown our Data Governance team by focusing on the basics, the building blocks, and remembering our ABCs.

This case study will break down our journey and emphasize the foundational ABCs of DG, such as:

• A – Alignment, Adaptability, Accuracy

• B – Business knowledge, Opportunity Broker

• C – Collaboration, Culture, Creativity

• D – Data, Definitions

• E – Engagement, Empower

• F – Fun

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